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sábado, 9 de diciembre de 2023

Viking Houses in 28mm


Viking Houses in 28mm

I downloaded these great medieval houses from Thingiverse, featuring wooden shingle roofs, in 28mm scale suitable for the Viking or medieval era.

The idea is to set up a table for SAGA AGE OF VIKINGS, for which I'll later post the armies I assemble.

These are printed in:

PLA 1.75

Brand: Print-a-Lot

Color: Grey

Software: Simplify 3d

Layer Height: 0.15 Infill: 18%

Bed Temp: 50° Extruder Temp: 205° Supports: YES

The paint I used is:

Decorative acrylics with a homemade wash.

Colors: Black - Titanium White - Leather - Earth/Burnt Sienna - Avocado (green)

Light: Sand applied in dry brushing.

Shadows: Wash with water containing 25% glass cleaner and acrylic until a milk-like consistency is achieved."

Rivers, Fords, and Bridges with recycled materials

 Rivers, Fords, and Bridges
with recycled materials

Printing brings us a myriad of excellent options for our battle boards, but recycling always has that beautiful taste of creating something, whether it's beautiful or not, with our own hands.

Aside from being environmentally friendly, recycling is very cost-effective.

For these rivers, I used a 3mm wardrobe backing, acrylics, glue, sand, and leftover plaster from a repair at my house.

I hope you like it.

Ríos, vados y puentes con material reciclado.

 Ríos, vados y puentes 

con material reciclado


           Imprimir nos trae un sin fin de opciones muy buenas para nuestros tableros de batalla, pero reciclar tiene siempre ese sabor hermoso de hacer algo, lindo o feo, con nuestras manos.

           Aparte de ser amigables con el medio ambiente en reciclar es muy barato.

          Para estos ríos utilice un fondo de ropero de 3mm, acrílicos, cola, arena y un resto de enduido que sobró de una reparación en mi casa.

          Espero les guste.